Channel NewsHow to Maximise Technology Benefits in Education: Epson Report

How to Maximise Technology Benefits in Education: Epson Report

Research by Epson reveals that 73% of educators are keen to tap into the full potential of existing technology within their institutions. The study, titled ‘Advancing the frontiers of education’, suggests focusing on the ‘instructional core’ – using technology to enhance educator-learner interactions. This could involve using projectors, printers or interactive displays to improve instruction quality, boost engagement and facilitate personalised learning. The study emphasises the importance of leveraging technology to create more immersive and interactive education experiences.

  • 73% of educators want to learn how to maximize the benefits of technology in education.
  • Epson has released a report emphasizing the importance of focusing on the “instructional core” when integrating technology in education.
  • By leveraging existing technology, educators can enhance instruction, personalize learning, and increase learner engagement.

Enhancing interactions between educators and learners

The concept of the ‘instructional core’ suggests that technology should be utilised to enhance interactions between educators and learners, specifically in relation to educational materials. This can be as simple as using a modern, high-quality projector or interactive display to present ideas to students, allowing for increased engagement and practice. In fact, 89% of educators agree that providing students with a visually immersive experience through projection equipment is of great importance to them.

Epson’s report outlines various ways in which teachers can leverage existing technology, such as projectors, printers, interactive displays, and scanners, to scale up the quality of instruction, facilitate personalised learning experiences, expand opportunities for practice and enhance learner engagement. By going back to basics and focusing on the “instructional core,” educators can make the most of the technology already available to them.

“There’s a vast amount of technology in schools, but making the most of it can be a challenge,” said Dr. Sarah Henkelmann-Hillebrand, a representative from Epson. “Our report recommends going back to basics and focusing on the ‘instructional core.’ The concept isn’t new, but it often gets forgotten. It’s disarmingly simple and shows how existing technology should be used. Our report provides practical advice for implementation.”

This research highlights the importance of leveraging technology effectively in educational settings to enhance the learning experience for students. By focusing on the ‘instructional core’ and utilising existing technology, educators can create more engaging and interactive learning environments.


Q: What percentage of educators want to learn how to maximize the benefits of technology?
A: According to the research study by Epson, 73% of educators are eager to learn how to maximize the benefits of the technology already available within their educational institutions.

Q: What is the “instructional core” concept?
A: The “instructional core” suggests that technology should be used to enhance interactions between educators and learners, specifically in relation to educational materials. It emphasizes utilizing technology to engage students and provide them with visually immersive experiences.

Q: How important is providing students with a visually immersive experience through projection equipment?
A: 89% of educators agree that providing students with a visually immersive experience through projection equipment is of great importance to them.

Q: What are the ways in which teachers can leverage existing technology to enhance instruction?
A: The report outlines various ways in which teachers can leverage existing technology, such as projectors, printers, interactive displays, and scanners, to scale up the quality of instruction, facilitate personalized learning experiences, expand opportunities for practice, and enhance learner engagement.

Q: What is the significance of focusing on the “instructional core”?
A: Focusing on the “instructional core” allows educators to make the most of the technology already available to them. It emphasizes utilizing existing technology effectively to create more engaging and interactive learning environments.

Q: What practical advice does the report provide for implementing the “instructional core” approach?
A: The report recommends going back to basics and focusing on the “instructional core.” It provides practical advice on how to leverage existing technology effectively in educational settings to enhance the learning experience for students.

Q: What does the research highlight about leveraging technology in educational settings?
A: The research highlights the importance of leveraging technology effectively in educational settings to enhance the learning experience for students. It emphasizes the need for educators to focus on the “instructional core” and utilize existing technology to create more engaging and interactive learning environments.


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