Unlock the Power of Proactive IT: ConnectWise RMM Introduces Unified Monitoring & Management

ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management: Cloud, Backup, and Network Monitoring Solutions | ConnectWise RMM

ConnectWise has expanded its remote monitoring and management (RMM) solution to the Unified Monitoring & Management platform. The updated system offers new capacities, including network, cloud, and backup monitoring, and a real-time interactive dashboard. By unifying these solutions, ConnectWise aims to simplify the experience for technology solution providers (TSPs).

The platform also introduces network monitoring through a partnership with Auvik, cloud monitoring and management with Microsoft Azure integration, and real-time backup monitoring. These features are all displayed in an innovative, interactive dashboard.

  • ConnectWise has evolved its remote monitoring and management (RMM) solution to Unified Monitoring & Management, offering enhanced capabilities such as network, cloud, and backup monitoring.
  • ConnectWise has partnered with Auvik to provide network monitoring within its RMM solution, allowing TSPs to oversee clients’ network infrastructure and optimise network performance.
  • ConnectWise introduces cloud monitoring and management capabilities, enabling comprehensive visibility into cloud resources and seamless integration with Microsoft Azure, with support for other cloud providers coming soon.

ConnectWise RMM Steps Up to Unified Monitoring & Management

ConnectWise, a software firm specialising in technology solution provider (TSP) success, is revamping its remote monitoring and management (RMM) solution. The evolution births the new Unified Monitoring & Management, introducing enhanced capabilities and an interactive, real-time dashboard on the ConnectWise Asio platform.

Tackling the Fragmented Landscape

The complexity of today’s tech landscape often forces TSPs to juggle numerous solutions, resulting in fragmented interfaces and inconvenient login processes. ConnectWise’s new Unified Monitoring & Management, however, offers a single-agent solution, marking a new era in effortless monitoring and management of evolving environments.

Partnership with Auvik Boosts Network Monitoring

Thanks to a recent collaboration with Auvik, ConnectWise’s Network Monitoring now provides TSPs with the tools to oversee client network infrastructures, visualise network topology, and optimise network performance proactively. This integration within ConnectWise’s RMM minimises downtime.

Cloud Monitoring and Management: A New Frontier

ConnectWise’s Cloud Monitoring and Management extends beyond networks. The service, built from scratch, offers comprehensive visibility into cloud resources and workload health, integrating seamlessly with Microsoft Azure for the smooth operation of cloud-based apps and services.

Backup Monitoring: A Crucial Addition

Backup monitoring is vital to robust IT infrastructure. ConnectWise’s backup monitoring capabilities enable TSPs to monitor the status and health of clients’ backups in real time, providing a single pane of glass across leading backup vendors. This ensures data integrity and minimises the risk of data loss.

A Single Source of Truth: The Interactive RMM Dashboard

ConnectWise introduces an innovative, real-time interactive RMM dashboard to offer TSPs a complete view of their IT environment. This includes patching compliance, network devices and cloud resources visibility, and status on tickets and backup jobs. The interactive nature of the dashboard enables admins to delve into specific areas for detailed insights and immediate action.

“Our Unified Monitoring & Management solution represents a significant leap forward in providing a truly unified platform that simplifies IT management and enables proactive monitoring across all environments, facilitating quick decision-making and efficient troubleshooting,” said Ameer Karim, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Unified Monitoring & Management at ConnectWise.

Final Thoughts

ConnectWise’s evolution of its RMM into a Unified Monitoring & Management solution marks an exciting development in TSP support. By consolidating monitoring tasks into a single, intuitive web console and providing a real-time interactive dashboard, ConnectWise sets a high standard for operational streamlining, complexity reduction, and efficiency enhancement. The company’s dedication to fostering TSP success is evident in this significant leap, and we look forward to seeing how it impacts the industry in the long run.


Q: What is ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management?
A: ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management is a game-changing transformation of the remote monitoring and management (RMM) solution offered by ConnectWise. It introduces enhanced capabilities to the ConnectWise Asio platform, including support for network, cloud, and backup monitoring, as well as a real-time interactive dashboard.

Q: How does ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management simplify IT management?
A: ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management simplifies IT management by delivering a unified solution powered by a single agent. It allows technology solution providers (TSPs) to effortlessly monitor and manage their environments through a seamless experience, eliminating the need for piecing together multiple solutions with fragmented interfaces and cumbersome login requirements.

Q: What are the network monitoring capabilities offered by ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management?
A: ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management, in partnership with Auvik, enables TSPs to oversee their clients’ network infrastructure, visualize network topology, and proactively optimize network performance while minimizing downtime. These capabilities are integrated within ConnectWise RMM.

Q: What does ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management offer in terms of cloud monitoring and management?
A: ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management introduces Cloud Monitoring and Management, which provides comprehensive visibility into cloud resources, workload health monitoring, and seamless integration with Microsoft Azure. This ensures the smooth operation of cloud-based applications and services. Support for other leading cloud providers will be added in the future.

Q: Why is backup monitoring essential in IT infrastructure?
A: Backup monitoring is essential in IT infrastructure because TSPs need to manage multiple backup vendors and stay on top of backup failures or issues. ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management offers backup monitoring capabilities, allowing TSPs to monitor the status and health of their client’s backups in real time. It provides a single pane of glass across leading backup vendors, starting with Acronis, Axcient, and Veeam, with plans to expand to additional backup providers in the future.

Q: What is the purpose of the real-time interactive RMM dashboard introduced by ConnectWise?
A: The real-time interactive RMM dashboard introduced by ConnectWise provides TSPs with a centralized view of their entire IT environment. It offers holistic insights into patching compliance, network devices, cloud resources visibility, and status on tickets and backup jobs. The interactive nature of the dashboard allows admins to delve into specific areas for detailed insights and take immediate action when necessary.

Q: How does ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management streamline operations for technology solution providers?
A: ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management streamlines operations for technology solution providers by consolidating monitoring tasks into a simple, intuitive web console built on the ConnectWise Asio platform. It provides a single pane of glass for accessing a comprehensive suite of capabilities. This consolidation reduces complexity, enhances efficiency, and enables TSPs to make quick decisions and efficiently troubleshoot issues.

Q: How can I access the advanced capabilities of ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management?
A: The advanced capabilities of ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management are available as part of ConnectWise RMM packages, including Essential, Pro, and Premium. These packages offer different levels of features and functionality to cater to the specific needs of technology solution providers.

Q: Where can I find more information about ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management?
A: For more information about ConnectWise Unified Monitoring & Management, you can visit the connectwise.com/umm website. There, you will find additional details about the features, benefits, and how to get started with this comprehensive monitoring and management solution.