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Take Control of Your Microsoft 365 Security with ConnectWise’s Expanded Coverage

ConnectWise Announces New SaaS Security Workflow Engine and Enhanced SIEM Features

ConnectWise has introduced a new SaaS Security workflow engine that offers enhanced alerting for threat detection, comprehensive monitoring, alerting, and incident response for Microsoft 365 environments.

The new system leverages hyperautomation and robotic process automation (RPA) to eradicate manual tasks, improve productivity, and bolster cybersecurity. The company has also expanded its SIEM solutions and broadened its monitoring coverage for Microsoft 365 environments. The innovations are designed to help tech solution providers protect their cybersecurity tech stack more efficiently.

Revolutionising Cybersecurity Management

Today’s cybersecurity landscape is undergoing a transformation. With the continuous onslaught of cyber threats, IT solution providers are compelled to adopt more advanced and efficient security measures. A new solution is now in sight with the unveiling of cutting-edge cybersecurity management features by ConnectWise at the IT Nation Connect event.

Automated Remediation for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Taking a leap forward, ConnectWise introduces automated remediation for cybersecurity. This is executed through the ConnectWise Asio platform, a part of their SaaS Security workflow engine. The platform now offers an enhanced alerting system for threat detection as well as comprehensive monitoring and incident response for Microsoft 365 environments.

The SaaS Security workflow engine utilises workflow orchestration and robotic process automation (RPA), enabling cybersecurity engineers to eliminate manual tasks through configurable triggers and actions. The system has the capability to trigger cybersecurity alerts, generate tickets, and escalate remediation issues.

“Powered by ConnectWise Asio, our new automated workflows strengthen partner cybersecurity while increasing productivity,” said Raffael Marty, Vice President and General Manger, Cybersecurity at ConnectWise.

Improved Threat Detection with SIEM Enhancements

In a move to further improve threat detection, ConnectWise has given a boost to its security information and event management (SIEM) solutions. These enhanced SIEM features are designed to generate high-fidelity alerts, making it easier to prioritise incidents and save on investigation and triage time.

Expanded Microsoft 365 Coverage

ConnectWise has also expanded its monitoring coverage for Microsoft 365 environments. This expansion is facilitated through pre-built dashboards which provide out-of-the-box event notifications and investigations. The SIEM monitoring and security dashboards cover a range of Microsoft services.

“Enhanced Microsoft 365 monitoring also complements ConnectWise MDR with Microsoft Defender for Business,” continued Marty. “We’re committed to helping TSPs protect their clients’ businesses from cyber threats.”

Final Thoughts

ConnectWise’s recent innovations are a game-changer for IT solution providers. The introduction of automated remediation, enhanced SIEM features, and expanded Microsoft 365 monitoring coverage are certain to promote a more efficient and effective cybersecurity management approach.

As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, solutions like these are not just beneficial—they are essential. With these new features, ConnectWise is indeed setting a new standard for cybersecurity management.


Q: What did ConnectWise announce for its suite of cybersecurity management solutions?
A: ConnectWise announced innovations for its suite of cybersecurity management solutions, including automated remediation for cybersecurity leveraging the ConnectWise Asio platform. The ConnectWise SaaS Security workflow engine now offers enhanced alerting for threat detection, and comprehensive monitoring, alerting, and incident response for Microsoft 365 environments.

Q: How does the SaaS Security workflow engine help in cybersecurity management?
A: The SaaS Security workflow engine provides workflow orchestration and robotic process automation (RPA), enabling cybersecurity engineers to eliminate manual tasks through configurable triggers and actions. The workflows can trigger cybersecurity alerts, create tickets, and escalate remediation issues. TSPs can now increase cybersecurity coverage while meeting or exceeding service level agreements (SLAs).

Q: What is the benefit of ConnectWise SIEM’s enhanced alerting feature?
A: The enhanced alerting feature generates high-fidelity alerts, making it clear which incidents are a priority and which are irrelevant, saving investigation and triage time. This enhanced threat detection provides TSPs with improved visibility and proactive response to potential security incidents.

Q: What additional monitoring coverage does ConnectWise SIEM offer for Microsoft 365 environments?
A: ConnectWise SIEM is expanding its monitoring coverage for Microsoft 365 environments with pre-built dashboards that offer out-of-the-box event notifications and investigations. The monitoring and security dashboards include Sentinel, Entra ID, Microsoft Security, email threats, risky user identification, Microsoft 365 licensing, and more.

Q: How does ConnectWise help TSPs protect their clients’ businesses from cyber threats?
A: ConnectWise offers innovative solutions that leverage AI to make cybersecurity more efficient and effective. They provide a comprehensive suite of cybersecurity management solutions, including automated remediation, enhanced alerting, and monitoring coverage for Microsoft 365 environments. ConnectWise also offers endpoint protection options and flexibility for TSPs when selecting preferred endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions.

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